A Shuttle to Soulfulness

Some people enjoy your attention and they will insist that you behave a certain way with them, but still cut you out, leaving you feeling confused and hurt.

I’ve experienced this a few times. The perplexity I underwent due to someone’s convenience still haunts me, but thankfully, not as much as it used to. The pain has been watered down and it has left a soulful lesson or two, which I feel might help those hurting at the moment.

You see, we tend to remember people by how they made us feel. This, in my case, has led to anxiety, anger, and depression. One unbearably sleepless night, I wrote down what was bothering me and figured out that I only remembered him by the hurt he caused. I didn’t focus on what I left behind. There was a complete shift in my perspective when I jotted down only the way I responded, and the pain miraculously started fading away.

Of course, this won’t be applicable for abusive relationships. Please use your own discretion when dealing with abusive partners. For others, disassociate yourself because it won’t serve you, but be mindful of what you leave behind. That’s what matters in the end.

So, what are you leaving behind today?

Someone feeling good about knowing you or someone disappointed in you?