
I haven’t met anyone who hasn’t appreciated poetry and romance. It’s just that most of them are too shy to enjoy them publicly.

Won’t it be nice if we’d let gentle words evoke fuzzy feelings and smiles that bring memories of some good times?

Don’t be ashamed
That you’re smitten by the classics
Gone are the days
When lovers denied it

Don’t ease that pain
Let your eyes say
You’re happy when they’re here

Don’t ease that pain
Let your smile say
You’re happy when they’re here


He looked dapper in white
as he poured some wine
and indulged in soulful poetry
I must admit
it’s been a while
since I’ve encountered McDreamy in reality

The Queen of Shadows

The Queen’s silhouette levitates midair
leading her ton of shadows
Her entourage of victorious wolves
departing crimson meadows
She’ll be gone sooner than you know
abandoning those who are callow
Tis your last chance to bare
your unseen scars from the darkest hollows

Him vs Her

When his curiosity rubbed her pride the wrong way
Her temper hurt his bashfulness
Now uneasiness visits if they ever happen to cross paths
He hesitates
She looks away
“I know your game,” she thinks
“So it is,” he concludes, it seems
It’s best to shun the other
both presume
Maybe it’s a one sided street
both assume
So neither look nor smile
Is what they do for a while
But peace and indifference had long left the premises
Her heart now aches for a glimpse
It desires to soak in his silence, but instead
She’s engulfed by a slurry of thoughts and emotions
Her mind and her heart have set things in motion
He… bears nothing
He probably isn’t in pain
Or maybe he is too and pretends to be sane
And while this goes on, she asks the angels who conspired them to notice the other
“Will I get a chance to speak to him and tell him I dislike the distance even though we never were together?”
“I detest the awkwardness
It makes me hazy and sick
People noticed you know
They noticed when it clicked”
“They noticed my heart race and cheeks blush
and your eyes fixed on me till you looked away in a rush… why?
Why did you do that?
You could have said something… “Hello” maybe… or smiled…
We could have been amiable and I wouldn’t have hated this as much.”


When I reach for the clouds
Devour the rains
Amidst deafening sounds
Your warm embrace
Your peace is sometimes
All I crave

The Greater Enchantment

Their thoughts all day

Keep your mind consumed

Curious feelings at play

Are they at their end too?

You hit the sack

Overwhelmed furthermore

But to the dreamworld and back

Recall fuzzy kittens, books galore

Dawning upon you thus

That the adoration is an entrapment

And the dream you dreamed

Is the greater enchantment


She rides the crescent

Shooting arrows of stars

She ties the present

With stories from afar

Goddess, Chandra

Iah, Selene

Several names

For one celestial being


Yes. Being…

‘cos she breathes

She shines her light sometimes only for me

To chase away my gloomy dreams

In alternate realities

Stealing my anxiety

When I shift between the worlds

Promising me she’ll be there

For better or for worse

A Gentle Word

A gentle word
Can birth
A village of hearts
To forge…
To complement your force…

Every Evening

A poetic interpretation of the unspoken light banter between two elements of nature.

“Give them back to me!”

Demands the ocean as the sun rises every morning

And every morning, “I will” the sun says

“As soon as I kiss you goodnight, my darling.”

And every evening he moves closer

And every evening she blushes pink

And every evening the sun dies

To return her velvety starlit skies…

Every evening…

– Priyadarshika