
When I reach for the clouds
Devour the rains
Amidst deafening sounds
Your warm embrace
Your peace is sometimes
All I crave

The Greater Enchantment

Their thoughts all day

Keep your mind consumed

Curious feelings at play

Are they at their end too?

You hit the sack

Overwhelmed furthermore

But to the dreamworld and back

Recall fuzzy kittens, books galore

Dawning upon you thus

That the adoration is an entrapment

And the dream you dreamed

Is the greater enchantment

In Silence

Poetry on today’s prompt – expressing gratitude.

How do you express your gratitude?

Eyes closed

Body Still

With immense praise

My humble heart is filled


Engulfs me

‘I’m eternally grateful’

A soft voice utters inside me

Expressing gratitude is one thing. Being grateful after expressing it is another.

What do you think?