Aflame Hearts

Do you have the courage to enter the dragon’s lair
Embrace the burning desires I dare
Let ’em burst into flames your bodies and brains
That you tamed and trained
to canoodle the mundane
Till only aflame hearts remain
and you’re no longer… loving in vain

Let’s Start Over

The most beautiful thing I’ve heard this weekend… “Let’s start over. Winning is a byproduct of consistent effort and success is a journey.”
I instantly recalled a coffee mug sitting on the other side of a glass partition at my workplace. I must have been searching for motivation that day when I captured this memory. A kind soul kept it there to contain their marker pens unaware that it will inspire someone someday.
Do you also get such signs unexpectedly?

The Queen of Shadows

The Queen’s silhouette levitates midair
leading her ton of shadows
Her entourage of victorious wolves
departing crimson meadows
She’ll be gone sooner than you know
abandoning those who are callow
Tis your last chance to bare
your unseen scars from the darkest hollows