
Be the wildflower you’re meant to be
You don’t need permission to bloom
You do you at your own pace
When it’s right for you
Not when there’s room

You’re colourful
Incessantly beautiful

Let them look at you and wonder
How you filled the earthy hive
What’s upon you
That in the darkness you survived

You were manifested
Your seed the earth embraced
The wilderness

You’re one with them now ‘coz you trusted your instincts
You trust the wildshrubs you blossom in
You count on the bees and birds that drink your nectar sweet still
You bank on the thorns who protect you and die a little when you wilt…

Wilt… gracefully…
effusing your delightful fragrance…

Old School

Sure, luxury will make my life comfortable. Spoil me! But also sweep me off my feet with your soft eyes behind those expensive sunglasses, a sweet smile that’s precious than your Armanis and Guccis, a kind & humble heart that outshines the diamonds you gift me. I’m old school like that. Write me little miss-you notes and love letters expressing your deepest feelings. Hold my hand while walking on the cobbled path in our garden admiring the bougainvillea, lilies, roses, and orchids in the moonlight. Sing the ballads we danced to. Ask me for another dance… and another… and another. Match your moves with mine – slow and steady. Make me fall in love with you… again.

Aflame Hearts

Do you have the courage to enter the dragon’s lair
Embrace the burning desires I dare
Let ’em burst into flames your bodies and brains
That you tamed and trained
to canoodle the mundane
Till only aflame hearts remain
and you’re no longer… loving in vain

Let’s Start Over

The most beautiful thing I’ve heard this weekend… “Let’s start over. Winning is a byproduct of consistent effort and success is a journey.”
I instantly recalled a coffee mug sitting on the other side of a glass partition at my workplace. I must have been searching for motivation that day when I captured this memory. A kind soul kept it there to contain their marker pens unaware that it will inspire someone someday.
Do you also get such signs unexpectedly?

Tropical Monsoon

A serene sun
A blazing moon
The clouds ashen
in eternal June

Light dissolves
as darkness falls
The heart cries
a melancholic tune

“Cross over… come hither”
the voices urge in unison
But I remain dampened in time
Still… drunk on the tropical monsoon


He looked dapper in white
as he poured some wine
and indulged in soulful poetry
I must admit
it’s been a while
since I’ve encountered McDreamy in reality

The Queen of Shadows

The Queen’s silhouette levitates midair
leading her ton of shadows
Her entourage of victorious wolves
departing crimson meadows
She’ll be gone sooner than you know
abandoning those who are callow
Tis your last chance to bare
your unseen scars from the darkest hollows

Him vs Her

When his curiosity rubbed her pride the wrong way
Her temper hurt his bashfulness
Now uneasiness visits if they ever happen to cross paths
He hesitates
She looks away
“I know your game”, she thinks
“So it is…”, he concludes, it seems
It’s best to shun the other
both presume
Maybe it’s a one sided street
both assume
So neither look nor smile
is what they do for a while…
But peace and indifference had long left the premises
Her heart now aches for a glimpse
It desires to soak in his silence… but instead…
she’s engulfed by a slurry of thoughts and emotions
Her mind and her heart have set things in motion
He… bears nothing
He probably isn’t in pain
Or maybe he is too and pretends to be sane
And while this goes on, she asks the angels who conspired them to notice the other
“Will I get a chance to speak to him; tell him I dislike the distance even though we never were together?”
“I detest the awkwardness
It makes me hazy and sick
People noticed you know
They noticed when it clicked”
“They noticed my heart race and cheeks blush
and your eyes fixed on me till you looked away in a rush… why?
Why did you do that?
You could have said something… ‘Hello,’ maybe… or smiled…
We could have been amiable and I wouldn’t have hated this as much.”


When I reach for the clouds
Devour the rains
Amidst deafening sounds
Your warm embrace
Your peace is sometimes
All I crave

The Greater Enchantment

Their thoughts all day

Keep your mind consumed

Curious feelings at play

Are they at their end too?

You hit the sack

Overwhelmed furthermore

But to the dreamworld and back

Recall fuzzy kittens, books galore

Dawning upon you thus

That the adoration is an entrapment

And the dream you dreamed

Is the greater enchantment

In Silence

Poetry on today’s prompt – expressing gratitude.

How do you express your gratitude?

Eyes closed

Body Still

With immense praise

My humble heart is filled


Engulfs me

‘I’m eternally grateful’

A soft voice utters inside me

Expressing gratitude is one thing. Being grateful after expressing it is another.

What do you think?


She rides the crescent

Shooting arrows of stars

She ties the present

With stories from afar

Goddess, Chandra

Iah, Selene

Several names

For one celestial being


Yes. Being…

‘cos she breathes

She shines her light sometimes only for me

To chase away my gloomy dreams

In alternate realities

Stealing my anxiety

When I shift between the worlds

Promising me she’ll be there

For better or for worse

A Gentle Word

A gentle word
Can birth
A village of hearts
To forge…
To complement your force…

Every Evening

A poetic interpretation of the unspoken light banter between two elements of nature.

“Give them back to me!”

Demands the ocean as the sun rises every morning

And every morning, “I will” the sun says

“As soon as I kiss you goodnight, my darling.”

And every evening he moves closer

And every evening she blushes pink

And every evening the sun dies

To return her velvety starlit skies…

Every evening…

– Priyadarshika

Work In Progress

Beautiful hydrangeas
Fuchsia and dahlias
Hummingbirds and butterflies
Drinking sweet nectar and I
Feel like they should always be ‌
Around the flowers and also me…


They come around
Every once in a while
Blurting words that prick and pierce
For they cannot see
You living with pride
Being, what they never thought you’d be – FIERCE!

Do you want to be blind
Despite witnessing the truth?
Do you want to be deaf
When the answers are coming through?
Do you want to bend
And let them walk all over you?

They are dull
Dull and weak
Blaming the dead
Who cannot speak
Defaming your own
Can’t you see?

Their pale bulging eyes and smirk
Their narrow minds choked with dirt
Their hearts stone cold, filled with greed
Sowing the seed of doubt
That might sprout
But won’t grow into a tree

The Crack Willow

Mountain ranges rising

In the lake’s western shore

Snowy peaks reaching

Six thousand feet and more

Amid serene waters

Is a delicate Wanaka tree

Not the sole attraction but

Admirers come to see

How she stands while she can

Is a splendid wonder

Old and fragile

The crack willow can’t blunder

Broken and battered

Can you hear her creak

Yet tirelessly

She carries on you see

It seems her friends have sworn

To help till it’s time

The muddy floor holds her bough

When the waters rise fine

And “Leave her be, leave her be”

I hear the breeze whisper

When the pirates ascend

In the darkest trend

And she outs a soft whimper

– Priyadarshika


Sunken ships
Lost in time
Found in time
Even though weathered
Don’t fail to breathe life
Into memories unremembered…

An Untitled Wish

Guide me through the tests of time

With you by my side

I’ll walk miles on end

I’ll burn the lights; I’ll give it all

Hold my hand

For I need it held

On a Quiet Day

On a quiet day
Woke the earth

The wind
Whistled its way
And blew the dirt

From the southwest
Down the valley where the blossoms sway

The sky roared
Summoned a beast
And nimbus clouds it birthed

Rain o’clock Nostalgia

Rain ‘o clock 23°C
Makes its presence felt every year you see
Reminds me of the gentle drizzle
The cool soothing breeze
The walk through the canopy of overhanging trees

How something magical happened that evening!
The clouds cleared
“Let’s watch the sunset,” you insisted
Then we hurried down to the open ground
Eager to catch the marvellous scene!

You spoke about the system and shared your plans
As you gazed across the beautiful expanse
I, however, was in some kind of trance
Sailing through time smoothly
Unaware, my naive self
Stole all of what makes this fond memory

Rain ‘o clock 23°C
Makes its presence felt every year you see